
Natal Chart & Report
NATAL CHART & REPORT is based on birth date, birth time, and birthplace.
Please check a sample NATAL CHART & REPORT here.
In case you order this report, you will need to send us the birth data of a given person in the following format:
Name – Birthdate – Birth time – Birthplace
Please enter these data into the text field Names & Birth Data on the checkout page before the completion of your order.
NATAL CHART & REPORT contains highly detailed information about a given person's nature and personality and about areas of life where a person could achieve the best results.
This report contains information on how that person will be successful in their self-implementation and ability to communicate with other family members, friends, spouses, colleagues, business partners, employers, employees, etc.
You will also find information on whether a person has achieved an excellent career in business, politics, science, and arts. 
Suppose this person is lucky enough to become a celebrity.
There is also the information if a given person will be prone to dangerous illnesses, drinking alcohol, committing crimes, getting their life endangered in accidents, etc.
NATAL CHART & REPORT will give you essential information about you or any person of interest, like your partners, parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, friends, business partners, employees, etc.
You will receive the link to download the NATAL CHART & REPORT in PDF format from our server upon completing your order.
Romantic Compatibility
Are you looking for a new love and a best mate?
Do you want to avoid choosing the wrong mate, who will be incompatible with you in many areas of life and who can't make a great relationship with you?
Do you want to know which one of the potential candidates for your mate will be the best? 
Are you and your mate a good match?
If interested, you will get precise and highly detailed answers to these questions in our ROMANTIC COMPATIBILITY report that we can specially prepare for you. This report will be your best resource for a romantic comparison with your mate.
The ROMANTIC COMPATIBILITY report contains precise and detailed information regarding romantic compatibility between two persons.
You can use this report's information to determine where you can achieve the best compatibility with your mate and areas where difficulties may arise, as well as to find ways to overcome these difficulties and improve your relationship further, so it can help you avoid the destruction of your relationship.
In this report, you will also find information on which areas of your relationship you must compromise to make the best relationship with your mate.
This report is based on both person's birthdates, birth times, and birthplaces.
Please check the sample ROMANTIC COMPATIBILITY report here.
You will need to provide these data for both persons in the following format:
Person #1:
Name 1 – Birthdate 1 – Birth time 1 – Birthplace 1
Person #2:
Name 2 – Birthdate 2 – Birth time 2 – Birthplace 2
Please enter these data into the text field Names & Birth Data on the checkout page before the completion of your order.
You will receive the link to download the ROMANTIC COMPATIBILITY report in PDF format from our server upon completing your order.
Future Forecast - Transits
The insights offered through astrological transits can help you move forward with confidence. 
Wouldn't it be nice to know the best time to:
Change residence 
Ask for a raise 
Meet a new love interest 
Sign a contract 
Retreat for some relaxation
Make an excellent investment 
Find a new job
Make a significant job change
Start a new business 
Get a new business deal
Success in legal issues
Success in fast recovery after surgery
Healing and recovery from an illness
Solution of family and partnership issues
Resolution of difficulties in marriage 
Significant advancement in your career 
Improvement of your financial situation
Avoid various dangers in your life (car accidents, wounds)
Retreat for some relaxation, and much more accurate
and precious information from many areas of your life
Astrology transits are also a handy tool for making sense of difficult transitions. Not only can you better grasp what is going on and why, but you can find out how long it will last!
All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on navigating the challenges ahead, and the date range for when each transit is in effect is given. Includes transits to planets from Jupiter through Pluto, plus Chiron. Note that Chiron is fully delineated, a unique feature of this report.
FUTURE FORECAST - TRANSITS report can be created for one or more years based on your birth date, birth time, and birthplace.
Please check a sample FUTURE FORECAST - TRANSITS report here.
In case you order this report, you will need to send us your birth data in the following format:
Your name – Birth date – Birth time – Birthplace
Please enter these data into the text field Names & Birth Data on the checkout page before the completion of your order.
You will receive the link to download FUTURE FORECAST - TRANSITS report in PDF format from our server upon completing your order.
Your relationship is unique, and it has its unique astrology!
RELATIONSHIPS report uses the powerful composite chart technique to examine the relationship as a fusion of the two individuals involved, unlike the Compatibility Report, which shows the impact of one individual upon the other.

Your RELATIONSHIPS report shows you the unique strengths and blind spots in your relationship.
You'll learn how and why your relationship works, where you can grow, potential pitfalls to avoid, and how to support each other best.
This report is based on both partners' birthdates, birth times, and birthplaces.
Please check a sample RELATIONSHIPS report here.
You will need to provide these data for both persons in the following format:
Person #1:
Name 1 – Birthdate 1 – Birth time 1 – Birthplace 1
Person #2:
Name 2 – Birthdate 2 – Birth time 2 – Birthplace 2
Please enter these data into the text field Names & Birth Data on the checkout page before the completion of your order.
You can use this report's information to determine a relationship where partners achieve the best compatibility and places where difficulties arise between both partners.
You can use this information to find ways to overcome these difficulties and improve a relationship further, so it can help you avoid the destruction of a relationship.
You will receive the link to download your RELATIONSHIPS report in PDF format from our server upon completing your order.