Natal Chart & Report
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Natal Chart & Report

NATAL CHART & REPORT is based on birth date, birth time, and birthplace.


Please check a sample NATAL CHART & REPORT here.


In case you order this report, you will need to send us the birth data of a given person in the following format:


Name – Birthdate – Birth time – Birthplace


Please enter these data into the text field Names & Birth Data on the checkout page before the completion of your order.


NATAL CHART & REPORT contains highly detailed information about a given person's nature and personality and about areas of life where a person could achieve the best results.


This report contains information on how that person will be successful in their self-implementation and ability to communicate with other family members, friends, spouses, colleagues, business partners, employers, employees, etc.


You will also find information on whether a person has achieved an excellent career in business, politics, science, and arts. 


Suppose this person is lucky enough to become a celebrity.


There is also the information if a given person will be prone to dangerous illnesses, drinking alcohol, committing crimes, getting their life endangered in accidents, etc.


NATAL CHART & REPORT will give you essential information about you or any person of interest, like your partners, parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, friends, business partners, employees, etc.


You will receive the link to download the NATAL CHART & REPORT in PDF format from our server upon completing your order.




$19.95 Tax excluded

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